
About Us


PT Moncrete International

PT Moncrete International was formed in 2005 as a manufacturer and supplier of building materials with more than 20 years in the chemical industry, building materials, and plastics. We are member of the Agromedia Group – prominent national book publisher, publishing, printing, distribution group, and networks.

Our featured products are : MONPROOF® “acrylic waterproofing”, MonCoat® “internal waterproofing”, SO STRONG® “paint additive”, MonGlu® “concrete glue”, MonPlas® “cement additive”, MonMix® “concrete additive”, and also we distribute : Daiwa® thinner, MI® paint brush, MI® sand paper, Truss® woven foil aluminium, Truss® bubble foil aluminium, Panda® paint, NissanLux® paint, Sakura® paint, , Impala® thinner, and others.

®️ The Trademark of PT. Moncrete International

Aplicator services : waterproofing, epoxy flooring, and painting.

For more information about PT. Moncrete International please visit www.moncrete.co.id


A leading supplier of building materials and services with total building protection solutions.


A trusted supplier of building materials and services that are productive, creative, innovative, and valuable.


Our Core Services

Responsive Theme

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Mobile First

Etiam porttitor nibh et felis molestie fermentum. Ut quis diam porttitor, dictum dolor in, volutpat nulla. Phasellus egestas eu lacus eu pharetra.

Highest Quality

Sprint is free responsive web template using HTML5 CSS3 and Bootstrap framework. Feel free to download, modify and use it for your site.

Professional Support

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"Count on us to protect your valuable assets"