PT Moncrete International was formed in 2005 as a manufacturer and supplier of building materials with more than 20 years in the chemical industry, building materials, and plastics. We are member of the Agromedia Group – prominent national book publisher, publishing, printing, distribution group, and networks.
Our featured products are : MONPROOF® “acrylic waterproofing”, MonCoat® “internal waterproofing”, SO STRONG® “paint additive”, MonGlu® “concrete glue”, MonPlas® “cement additive”, MonMix® “concrete additive”, and also we distribute : Daiwa® thinner, MI® paint brush, MI® sand paper, Truss® woven foil aluminium, Truss® bubble foil aluminium, Panda® paint, NissanLux® paint, Sakura® paint, , Impala® thinner, and others.
®️ The Trademark of PT. Moncrete International
Aplicator services : waterproofing, epoxy flooring, and painting.


Harga: Rp59.000,-

Harga: Rp215.000

Harga: Rp419.000

Harga: Rp95.000

Harga: Rp167.000,-

Harga: Rp6.000

Harga: Rp563.000

Harga: Rp30.000